Transfer Articulation

This is an unofficial evaluation and does not guarantee an award of transfer credit. Course equivalencies may change at any time without notice, as updates or corrections are made.
Don't see your course listed?
UNCW has evaluated the catalogs of many (but not all) schools. If you do not see your school or course listed, it only means we have not seen it previously.
See our website for more information.
Building Competencies requirements (Writing Intensive and Information Literacy):
Beginning Fall 2014, transfer courses will count toward competency requirements if the transfer course has been reviewed and approved, either through the transfer competency articulation process or through the form, "Petition for Crediting a US Competency Requirement". If approved, a flag of "WI" or "IL" appears below, next to the course. Courses without a "WI" or "IL" flag may still be eligible for competency credit via petition, however. Transfer students should retain materials from courses taken at other institutions and talk to their UNCW advisors about this possibility.
Permission for Transient or International Study
For schools in the United States, please visit our Transient Study page for more information and instructions.
For schools in another country, please visit International Programs for more information and instructions.
Current UNCW Students and FYSA students:
To take courses at another Institution, you must still fill out a Transient Study request, located in MySeaport. This is to ensure the course will transfer back to UNCW as expected for your degree requirements.
Non-Admitted/Potential Students:
If you do not see your course listed in our database below, please follow the instructions listed for an unofficial evaluation.
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